Who we are

About us

We admire and strive to adhere to organic principles.  Organic coffee growers are farming sustainably and acting kinder towards people, animals and the world around us.  Everything else being equal, organic coffee has a superior taste to that of the conventionally grown one.  We love coffee and this is precisely why we believe that coffee deserves to be nurtured as nature meant it to be.  Here is our rationale for striving to be as organic as we possibly can.

  • Organic


    Organic arabica coffee beans (including the soil where it is grown) that is free from residues, chemicals and artificial fertilizers are certified three times to guarantee high quality to consumers.
  • Healthier


    100% certified organic coffee contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed by the body for several health benefits such protection from cell damages and boosting the immune system.
  • Fresh


    Our coffee is freshly roasted just before we send it to you. For those of us who love a good cup of coffee – or simply need a caffeine fix to get us through the day.
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Nunc eu quam venenatis, dapibus elit a, feugiat est. Aenean in posuere tellus.

Sale and delivery points

Sed sagittis sodales lobortis. Curabitur in eleifend turpis, id vehicula odio. Donec pulvinartellus eget magna aliquet ultricies. Praesent gravida hendreritex, nec eleifend semconvallis vitae.

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Become our partner

Become our partner and get 10% discount on all orders. The only requirement is to order minimum 10KG of organic coffee weekly. Free delivery included.


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